Friday, April 27, 2012

Movie review in the making

Hello. I just wanted to update my blog even for the most random things. *laughs I'm going to post movie reviews for the next, oh I don't know, for the next days I'd be watching a movie. *sighs I have no laptop to use these past few weeks and I only rely on our awesome desktop computer, but sadly, I have cousins to compete with for the time with the PC. So I don't want to do a movie review just yet, so just wait! *laughs excessively 

P.S. I'm trying a lame idea where I try to show my emotions without the overused emoticons. Do asterisks work better than emoticons? Because I think they're lame. -_______-

Monday, April 23, 2012

Chocate Overdose

Great. I just had three cartons of chocolate milk this afternoon while watching an awesome movie, 1408. Don't get me wrong, it's only 250ml per carton but the feeling  of an overdose was here. This is sadly, THE FIRST TIME that I have felt so much bitterness towards choco- based drinks. I used to love this kinds of crap but right now, I just want to throw up.
-no pictures yet, sorry-

LOL. I just had to post something today. My mind is still filled with useless junk that I can't find an ending for a story I'm making. By the way, this month will also be THE FIRST TIME I'd be joining and For those who don't know, these sites are for people who want to write stories and share them to the rest of the world. I decided to try it out this month because there was nothing left to do.
Well, back to the dilemma, the story I'm making is posted below, if you want to see it. Please help me! HAHAHAHA. I need a good ending even if I only have so little readers so please share to me what you think. But I have to tell you that the story is in Tagalog, my mother tongue, so for those who don't understand Tagalog, never mind guys. I'll just make another story for you to read.

And also, I want to apologize for the too- colorful fonts here. I wanted to specify some things but I think I overdid it. Don't worry, I'll do better next time! Ciao!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The First Time

This is the first post for The Freshmen, namely me. I decided to go with this name since I'd be starting anew with a lot of things right now. This blog mainly signifies all the new things that I'd be experiencing from here on out. Well, I'd like to list out the first things that will be happening:
1. My first year as a college student at ------------------ ;
2. My first time as an active blogger (which I will try to be despite my future busy-ness);
3. My first time to sign- up for different social networking websites (if you consider them as such);
4. My first time to actually be conscious of my physical well-being (which means my weight) and;
5. My first time to actually feel that I'm a new person.

Well, not all of the firsts has happened to me already, so with this blog, it will keep me up-to-date with the things that I will be doing for the first time and the things that I want to do for the first time. This blog is all about firsts, but hopefully, will be followed on by more memories, better than the last.

And hey, as a gift to my fellow bloggers, here's a simple Hi from me to you. :*
That's me saying a hello to you guys! =)))