Friday, May 25, 2012

First Day College!

I almost forgot! Yesterday, May 24, 2012 was my FIRST DAY in college! OMG. It was a really good experience that made me realize I wasn't a high school girl anymore. It made me feel that being mature and responsible is one of the main things I should be. Well, let me start of my blog with a little story of what occured during my first day classes at De La Salle University:

I woke up with the feeling of laziness and lack of determination to stand up and take a bath. But after 15 minutes of debating with myself, I finally had the courage to enter the bathroom. I hurriedly finished and opened my closet to see if there was something good to wear on a first day. Actually, I already planned my outfit but due to the hard rain last night, almost half of my clothes got wet. So sadly, I allowed myself to wear a simple black shirt and pants off to school. It was still an early hour before classes start so I stayed at the front gate waiting for one of my blockmates to accompany me in entering our first class.

My FIRST course, Chemistry at 8:30AM, wasn't that bad as I expected. In fact, it was fun and interesting for me. The professor was not overly- dramatic in stressing to us the importance of learning chemistry. I liked him very much because he wasn't very particular about what we would understand with covalent bonds and balancing elements or whatnot but he wanted us to understand that what we would be learning from him will be valuable and can be applied in our daily lives and it will help us become aware of our environment. It really made me happy and for the FIRST TIME, Chemistry was not a major subject! =)) It was the most relief I got from that morning. :D

After the easy hour of Chemistry orientation, a 5-hour break from 8:30AM to 2:40PM was due. This was the part that made me nervous because I don't know where to go! Finally, one of my old schoolmates from UST texted me, telling me that the also have their break time up to 1PM. So I asked if I could join them for the remainder of those hours. Soon, we met and stayed with many more of our old high schoolmates until one by one, they all went back to their classes. I was again left alone. So I decided to ask one of my blockmates (also the one from this morning), Mel, if I could stay at her condominium which is near DLSU. I was so relieved when I entered her room because it was cold, unlike outside where everyone was sweating their heads off. We stayed there for one more hour with Mel's old high school friends until it was time for us to go to our assigned classroom.

Our next course was Management Organization at 2:40PM and it was a bit boring. We played the boat is sinking which, after a few trials, gave us our new group mates for a project. I won't go into details with that but it was really fun, being close with new people. :)

Our last course for the day was Introduction to Sociology at 4:10PM to 5:50PM. We only had a few minutes into discussing our professor's requirements and then told us we could go home. But first, we should get a copy of a book he wants us to read for a book review. It was also boring but I saw that the subject was interesting.

When I had my copy, I ran immediately to meet my old high school friends, Pauline and Gerald so we could go home together. We had a ton of laughs inside our car. It was about 7PM when I got home and I was so happy.

There. I said it. My FIRST DAY EXPERIENCE IN COLLEGE. All I can add now is, ANIMO LASALLE!

P.S. I AM SO SORRY FOR HAVING A LONG POST AND HAVING NO PICTURES! :( I don't have a nice camera phone and from all the excitement, forgot to take pictures of the first time things that I should have captured. So now, my post looks a wee bit boring. :( I hope there are still those who wants to read it. -_____- thanks. ♥

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